The beginning of the geothermal phenomena
begins when the Sun’s rays heat up the
surface of the Earth. This energy is then retained in the Earth’s crust. In a way, you can think of the
Earth as a giant heat storage battery.
It was discovered that approximately 15 feet below the surface of the Earth, the ground temperature
remains at
a constant temperature year round. This temperature can vary based on location, but let’s take the
area for example. The ground temperature below Philadelphia remains 53 degrees all year. This
temperature is a relatively cool temperature compared
to the air temperature during the summer months when we need to cool our homes, offices and
factories. This temperature is also fairly warm during the winter
months when we need to heat these same buildings.
This information forms the foundation of The Great Aire Comfort System™; allowing you to
efficiently heat and cool your home. To learn more about how this
renewable, inexhaustible source of energy translates into the most comfortable indoor temperatures
and lower heating and cooling bills continue to the "What Is
Advanced Geothermal" section.